... for more Gender Equality

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the toolkit offer?

The GenCo toolkit is a user friendly, modern software tool, full of good examples to inspire and guide HR professionals and others involved in workforce and student management in applying gender equality practices in European organisations.

Where are the examples come from?

The examples in the toolkit come from UK, Lithuania, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Greece, Luxembourg, Portugal and Switzerland.

Most of the partners of the project as well some members of the GenCo advisory board have their own awards or respectively carry out processes for business and / or higher education. In most cases the examples comes from organisations which received an award in their country for good gender equality policies.

In the toolkit the user can search for practice examples in different Areas of Activities.
What is behind these different areas?

What is behind the area “Career and Professional Development”?

This topic includes measures which concern e.g. following areas:

  • Qualification Courses with gender topics
  • Sensitization of executive manager
  • Participation of staff members e.g. by committees, project work, function exchange
  • Collection and analysis of data about HR development of staff members
  • Mentoring programmes
  • (only Science) Supporting female junior scientists by offering career perspectives and career planning
  • (only Science) Personal Development by assignment career relevant functions for women in science

What is behind the area “Recruitment and the Filling of Vacancies”?

This topic includes measures which concern e.g. following areas:

  • Target settings for qualified job vacancies
  • Gender neutral applicant selection by filling vacancies
  • Activities for opening all operational apprenticeship training position for young women and men
  • Career information (days) for female pupils and students
  • Strategies and activities to elevate the part of women by tendering procedures
  • HR marketing

What is behind the area “Reconciliation of Work/Career and Family Responsibilities”?

This topic covers measures which concern e.g. following areas:

  • Offers to implement flexible forms of working time and place for staff members
  • Encouragement of men to use family friendly working times / to take parental leave
  • Measures to support part time in management positions
  • Coordination of occupation and education times by consultation and information, measures for leave for absence (e.g. then the child is sick), offering of childcare
  • Measures to integrate mothers AND fathers during a family time (e.g. offers to hold the contact and offers for further education)

What is behind the area “Senior Management Commitment and Organisational Gender Equality Policies”?

This topic covers measures which concern e.g. following areas:

  • Institutionalisation of gender equality policies in functions, in binding agreements, in the organisational development
  • Recourses facilities for implementing gender equality measures
  • Formation/promotion of networks
  • Targets for manager for special promoting of female staff members
  • Consideration of equality aspects e.g. brand advertising, marketing strategies, product advertising, employee acquisition

What is behind the area “Management and Assessment tools in organisational development”?

This topic covers measures which concern e.g. following areas:

  • Integration of gender equality in controlling systems and evaluation processes
  • Participation of women in decision making bodies
  • Development and updating of gender specific personal statistics
  • Staff surveys

What is behind the area “Organisational culture”?

This topic covers measures which concern e.g. following areas:

  • Integration of gender equality in organisation targets and -policies
  • Promotion of the employees by the development of an cooperative respectively based on partnership behaviour, teamwork

What is behind the area “Research and Design”?

This topic covers measures which concern e.g. following areas:

  • Interdisciplinary research relations which applies explicit the women and gender research
  • Evaluation of measures and instruments which applies to raise the female part in mathematics, informatics, natural sciences and technology (MINT) research areas / degree programmes

What is behind the area “Teaching and Education”?

This topic covers measures which concern e.g. following areas:

  • Strategies and activities for the integration of women and gender studies in science, lecture and study
  • Strategies and activities for increase the portion of female students in courses of study in which women are under represented

Is it possible to contact the organisations which have contributed the good practice measures?

That is possible. The examples give contact data of the companies which delivered the example.